Monday, November 29, 2010

Civil War Week. Its Time To Rally Around The Team Beaver Believers!

OK Beaver Fans, the team needs you more than ever. You brought it for the USC game. There's nothing left but the biggest game every year:

The Civil War

The past is the past. Shake it off.

Time to rally around the team, players, coaches, and get rowdy for this game!

Despite the ups and downs, you gotta love these guys.  Maybe this will give you one more reason.  One of my Twitter/FB friends got a message from a Beaver player saying how much they appreciate the unconditional support they get from many fans:

"Want to know one of the reasons I love my Beavs even after yesterday? Well, I "tweet" alot during the games and late last night a starting player took the time to Direct Message me that he appreciates the support of real fans! He probably wanted to crawl in a hole but he took the time to reach out to the fans. That is... why I am a Life Long Beav!!"

Get pumped Beaver Nation and support your Beavs!




  1. You can erase the past, and rally the's not going to matter. The game is over, now it just has to be played. Oregon State will not beat Oregon anytime in the near future until they commit to be a a national contender. I personally hope it happens. But Oregon has turned this once great rivalry into dominance with the superior coaching, recruiting, facilities, and commitment to being a national contender in College Football.

  2. I disagree with you "Anonymous" .. Any team can be beat by any other team on any given day. Heck we (meaning OSU) lost to freakin' WSU .. WAZOO! How does that happen? UO won by TWO little points over CAL, yes CAL. The game is not over until played, period.

    Go Beavs! Love your blog post Jason!
    Signed, A True Beaver Fan

  3. Why don't the Beavs just lose so that Oregon can be number one in the nation? Win the battle (civil war), lose the war (no more number 1 in the BCS rankings)

  4. That's just silly. There have been lots of upsets in the PAC 10 and more than once this game has been played for the roses. Don't think for one second that either team should lose so the other can be given the title. If that's the way you feel, stay away from EVERYTHING competitive. Especially football!
    Go Beavs!

  5. Boy, THAT'S the truth! There is no way that losing to the Ducks is a good thing for Oregon! And stranger things have happened, ESPECIALLY on our home turf! Beaver fever is still strong and we can do it! GO BEAVS!

  6. And by Oregon I mean the STATE of Oregon, of course!

  7. Bah, I don't care about the Ducks any more than I care about PSU or U of P. I want my team to win regardless.

    BTW, I *really* hope that the Duck players have the attitude of the first "anonymous" commenter up there. That means they likely think they can walk on the field and win which means the Beavs have a great chance on Saturday!
