Wednesday, October 26, 2005

BlogPoll Roundtable Week 9

Each week the BlogPoll crew posts some thought provoking questions for it's members to answer. Here are my thoughts. Feel free to post your own thoughts in my comments!

1. Name the five teams, other than yours, whose accomplishments you respect / envy the most.

1. USC. They proved that you can get respect out west. Plus they have many NC's.
2. Northwestern. They stopped their long time losing streak a few years before us and showed the Beavers it could be done.
3. Purdue. I've always kind of respected what they have done the last few years.
4. Virginia Tech. What I want the Oregon State Beavers to become.
5. Oregon. Simply because their marketing is so much better than ours. Billboards everywhere!

2. With regard to Question #1, what is the most damaging criticism of your program that you will admit is a legitimate criticism? That is, what negative trait does the most damage to the overall respect level of your program.

I think our location hurts us a bit. Everything else will come and go (off-field incidents now, used to be a team of thugs) and isn't true of the whole team anyways. But the biggest thing OSU has to overcome is not being in a larger city. That can work to our advantage in many cases as well, but I think the summers can get pretty boring for some kids.

3. Who do you think is the best player in the history of your program?

Very tough question. I think if you look to the pros you would have to say Chad Johnson or Steven Jackson. However, I think Ken Simonton was really the first star player at Oregon State in the new era and really helped lead the team to amazing heights. Every Beaver will have a special place in their heart for Kenny.


  1. what about Heisman winner Terry Baker

  2. Never saw him play really. So it's hard to name him as the best. The only clip I've seen is his 99 yard run from scrimmage in the Liberty Bowl or something.

    Kenny brought an attitude that the team hadn't had up to that point.

  3. Kenny was awesome but my vote has to go to my favorite all time player, JOSE CORTEZ!!!!! Just kidding. Kenny win's by along shot.

    2)Mike Hass
    3)Terry Baker
    4)Stephen Jackson
    5)Chad Johnson
    6)Jose Cortez!!! JOSE...JOSE...JOSE

    future players that could be added to this list

    1)Joe Newton
    2)Kelley Rice (I've been red shirting for awhile)


  4. Oh no you didn't. Who's this Kelley Rice character anyways?

  5. I hear that he is having trouble geting in because of grades.
