Friday, October 07, 2005

Beavers need to step it up in the Alumni Challenge.

So I just found this Civil War alumni challenge thing. Check it out here:

Civil War Challenge

Basically, it a contest between the alumni of OSU and UO to see who can have the most people donate money to their university. Either us Beavers have never heard about this or we are giving all of our charity money to hurricane Katrina because we are waaaay behind. As of today the Ducks have had almost 10,000 donors and we're sitting at a measly 3,178. Ouch. Time to make a Wazzu style comeback here Beavs and close the gap. Give $20 to OSU and help us look at least respectable. Doesn't matter how much you give really because they count the number of donors not the total cash received. Get that charity in before the end of the year!

Go Beavs!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure how they keep stats on the donating, but I got one of the standard fundraising calls from an OSU student at home last night. I pledged the CLA $50, like I always do whenever I get the call, just as do many alums pledge as well I imagine. Are they tapped into that resource with their "Challege" stats?
